And now you know: if you want to throw a rave party, I'm your man (?)
Posted by
5:47 PM
Posted by
4:24 PM
Posted by
11:16 PM
By Rosa Tania Valdes
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba will free seven of 59 dissidents imprisoned since 2003, a move that opponents of ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro said reflects a "climate of change" under his brother's rule.
(...)The Spanish newspaper El Pais reported on its Web site that four of them will be sent to Spain with their families to receive medical treatment.
Posted by
3:36 PM
Sharks really are pussy cats!!!!
Posted by
La Chounie
11:38 PM
Posted by
9:54 AM
1969 - Man walks on the moon
1971 - Man walks on the moon... again. Then, for a long time, nothing happened. Until tomorrow.
Because tomorrow Kevin Rudd is going to apologize to the Aboriginal Community for the State's wrongdoings in the 20th century.
Posted by
6:47 PM
Do you know the Capitán Alatriste? I love it.
«Durante casi dos años serví con el capitán Alatriste en las galeras de Nápoles. Por eso hablaré ahora de escaramuzas, corsarios, abordajes, matanzas y saqueos. Así conocerán vuestras mercedes el modo en que el nombre de mi patria era respetado, temido y odiado también en los mares de Levante. Contaré que el diablo no tiene color, ni nación, ni bandera; y cómo, para crear el infierno en el mar o en la tierra, no eran menester más que un español y el filo de una espada. En eso, como en casi todo, mejor nos habría ido haciendo lo que otros, más atentos a la prosperidad que a la reputación, abriéndonos al mundo que habíamos descubierto y ensanchado, en vez de enrocarnos en las sotanas de los confesores reales, los privilegios de sangre, la poca afición al trabajo, la cruz y la espada, mientras se nos pudrían la inteligencia, la patria y el alma. Pero nadie nos permitió elegir. Al menos, para pasmo de la Historia, supimos cobrárselo caro al mundo, acuchillándolo hasta que no quedamos uno en pie. Dirán vuestras mercedes que ése es magro consuelo, y tienen razón. Pero nos limitábamos a hacer nuestro oficio sin entender de gobiernos, filosofías ni teologías. Pardiez. Éramos soldados.»
Posted by
12:32 AM
Posted by
La Chounie
9:23 PM
Last Friday night I had the opportunity to see a Cricket game (Australia Vs India). It was a short game (it finished the same day) and as it happens with non-British-colony descendants, ignorant in the Cricket field of knowledge, I had to ask a lot of questions to understand the game. Fortunately, my friends had enough patience to explain me the rules and after some time I could follow what was happening in the oval. Of course this sport in not simple, but I wouldn’t say it is “sophisticated” as I read in an article written by ‘A--stín’ and La Chounie’s friend. After reading that article I found that the comparison between soccer and cricket is meaningless. Following that idea I could say that English is the simplest language, maybe because someone with two or less years of training is able to read an article (for instance this one about soccer/cricket and other sports) understand it, think about his/her position and write ~500 words about it (with expectable grammar errors, of course). I’m sure that learning any other language would required many years of training before reaching that level of communication. So, one conclusion we could make would be that the most ‘sophisticated’ sport in the world is played by those that weren’t able to develop the most ‘sophisticated’ language. Stupid asseveration!
Analysing soccer’s popularity and its simplicity, and comparing it with the intricate cricket (and its poor popularity around the world*) we could say that cricket is for smart people and soccer for less-smart ones (?). Then, we could correlate the behaviour of soccer players (plus the others watching the game in the stadium) and the behaviour of cricket players and their outstanding, noble, royal and (sorry again) sophisticated figure and followers, with the simplicity/complexity of such games. And the outcome would be that soccer (simple) Vs violence (a random variable) have a R2=0.99, while cricket (complex) Vs the same variable would have a poor matching. Thus, social behaviour could be easily explained through sports and their rules (?). Sorry mates, but it doesn’t convince me.
So far, I’ve been two (and something else) years in Oz, and cricket is still looking to me very boring, where sometimes a team of chubby guys expose all their misery. As well as in soccer they insult their rivals and love to be popular and appear in TV advertisements and like any other rich sport-person they love to show all what they have (same as in soccer and others). Perhaps there is a big difference in all this attitudes, soccer players show themselves –in the field- as they are (they will offend you loudly, even knowing the consequences) and cricket players would do the same, but hiding their head underground (like emus). I don’t want to offend cricket lovers with this post, I just want to defend soccer from that article I read, and foreshadow that we can find human misery in all sports, articles, blogs and cultures.
The title of this post is especially dedicated to the soccer lovers of this galaxy!
Posted by
10:49 AM
It can be veeeeeeery dangerous!
"Females that lack the sex peptide receptor (SPR, also known as CG16752), either entirely or only in the nervous system, fail to respond to SP and continue to show virgin behaviours even after mating"
Posted by
Regis L Corrêa
10:36 AM