Friday, September 14, 2007

Una de cal y otra de arena

The Head

We’ve bought you a beer
and we’ve had the camels shampooed
we’ve saved you a spot on the beach
and we’ve got the sharks out of the pool
we got the roos off the green
and Bill’s on his way down to open the front gate
your taxi is waiting
and dinner is about to be served
We turned on the lights
and we’ve been rehearsing for over forty thousand years
so where the bloody hell are you?

and the Tail

We've packed you a cone
we've got the ethnics off the beach
we've got you some free accommodation
and the dingos are well fed
and our human rights record has been improving
for over two hundred years
so where the fucking hell are youse?

Taken from Gracias tron!


cronopio said...

ay Josesico, como te echo de menos tron...
que tiempos aquellos de buscar templos zen en el corazon de las Australias. Y tener la Opera de Sydney bajo la suela de nuestros zapatos de caminantes.
Hace poco estuve viendo ballenas azules. Tambien un pez luna (de los de verdad verdad, no como la bolsa de plastico que tu viste desde el ferry rumbo a Tanger:)
Te mandare fotichuelas y un brindo ciberneticamente a tu salud con electrones de banda ancha.

Huinca said...

muy bueno lo suyo JB

La Chounie said...

Mildly racist, but otherwise 'muy bueno'